the succulent garden

Hey, I’m Arrojadoa, a Brazilian genus of cacti named after the great Brazilian botanist Miguel Arrojado Lisboa. I can be found in rocky places and under shrubs, as I have quite a frail stalk. I’m a subtropical plant, meaning I love hot weather!

Hi! I’m Bunny Ears, also known as Opuntia Microdasys. I also go by many other nicknames, including Golden Bristle, Polka-Dot Cactus and Angels wings. I can only be found Central and Northern Mexico and I grow between 40–60cm tall.

Hello, I’m Echinocactus Grusonii. I’m rare and endangered, only growing in the states of Querétaro and Hidalgo Mexico. I grow in volcanic rock on slopes, at altitudes around 1,400 metres. Sometimes I’m also known as a golden barrel cactus.

Hola! I’m San Pedro, also known as Echinopsis pachanoi. I come from the Andes Mountains in South America, which has a very high altitude and heavy rainfall. This means I can withstand temperatures far below that of many other cacti!

Hi! I’m Peyote, a small, spineless cactus also known as Lophophora Williamsii. My name Peyote derives from a root meaning “glistening” and I’m primarily found in the Chihuahuan Desert.

Hey, I’m Elephant Cactus, more formally known as Pachycereus Pringlei. I’m a species of cactus native to northwestern Mexico and I am the tallest cactus species in the world. My lifespan is several hundred years.

Hi! I’m Eulychnia, a chilean-native cactus. I come from a genus of cacti which compromises of 6—9 species! I live in very hot, dry temperatures of up to 50ºc and I can even survive in the driest desert in the world, the Atacama Desert.

bunny ears
san pedro